A blog called aqua-regia...

Welcome to my blog! I post here every now and then about miscellaneous things. There's no particular topic that this blog focuses on; it isn't restricted to a specific subject like computers or literature. It's just a place where I share my thoughts with the (perhaps nonexistent) readership. This is not the kind of self-promotional blog that people post on Hacker News, but a space for half-formed hypotheses and useless rambling, not tailored to any particular audience. If even one reader enjoys this website, then its purpose will have been fulfilled.

About the author

My areas of interest include literature, poetry, languages, culture, food, music, and history. None of these fields is my specialty: I am a novice in every one. An inborn sense of curiosity motivates me to explore all these domains at once. Eventually I'd like to become a bona fide polymath, or master one particular discipline, but I think the former is more likely given my rangy and distractible character.

I enjoy working on projects in my spare time. Not many of them reach a finished state and I often question the purpose of my work. My goal in creating things is to invent something new and approach some form of self-actualization. As it stands right now, I have little to show for such lofty goals.